Recipe Card: Prices
Prices for recipe card packs of 12 cards without shipping and taxes are:
recipe cards qty in packs of 12 | price per recipe cards in packs of 12 | total price |
25 | $2.65 | $66.25 |
100 | $2.65 | $265.00 |
200 | $2.54 | $508.00 |
300 | $2.46 | $738.00 |
400 | $2.40 | $960.00 |
500 | $2.35 | $1,175.00 |
600 | $2.32 | $1,392.00 |
700 | $2.28 | $1,596.00 |
800 | $2.26 | $1,808.00 |
900 | $2.24 | $2,016.00 |
1,000 | $2.22 | $2,220.00 |
2,000 | $2.18 | $4,360.00 |
3,000 | $2.14 | $6,420.00 |
4,000 | $2.09 | $8,360.00 |
5,000 | $2.05 | $10,250.00 |
10,000 | $1.84 | $18,400.00 |
20,000 | $1.62 | $32,400.00 |
30,000 | $1.50 | $45,000.00 |
40,000 | $1.37 | $54,800.00 |
50,000 | $1.27 | $63,500.00 |
These prices include shrink-wrapping recipe cards in packs of 25 each for convenience in dispensing them to individual clinics, and to help protect the recipe cards from damage in shipping and handling. Prices are subject to change if paper costs rise substantially; our prices have remained the same for the past several years, in spite of some increases in paper costs.
Contact us for specific information on shipping cost.